Research Brief #5: How to improve compliance part III – Incentivizing staff performance
An additional strategy to achieve more consistent compliance uses incentives to reinforce positive staff conduct.
An additional strategy to achieve more consistent compliance uses incentives to reinforce positive staff conduct.
The persistence of underage sales despite staff training, point-of-sales protocols, and supervisory practices has led to a new strategy to improve ID-checking that is equally effective with retail stores and on-premises serving establishments.
The persistence of underage sales despite staff training, point-of-sales protocols, and supervisory practices has led to a new strategy to improve ID-checking that is equally effective with retail stores and on-premises serving establishments.
The persistence of underage sales despite staff training, point-of-sales protocols, and supervisory practices has led to a new strategy to improve ID-checking that is equally effective with retail stores and on-premises serving establishments.
In August 2002, ExxonMobil Corporation executed an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance with 43 state Attorneys General in which ExxonMobil agreed to specific changes designed to reduce unlawful sales of tobacco products to underage customers. This agreement emerged from Attorneys’ General engagement of large national retailers—pharmacies, “big box” and convenience stores / petroleum marketers—that had performed poorly in tobacco compliance checks conducted by the Food and Drug Administration.
In 2002, ExxonMobil executed an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance (AVC) with 43 state at-torneys general who had engaged national retail chains found to have sold tobacco products to minors.
In the USA, the enforcement of state sales of tobacco products to minors laws has had only limited impact upon reducing youth access. The application of consumer protection authorities by state attorneys general to alter the sales and promotion practices of tobacco retailers provides a complementary and highly leveraged strategy to increase compliance with tobacco sales to minors laws.
The RRForum’s Retailer Work Group — consisting of national retail chains, training organizations, mystery shop vendors, state regulators, attorneys general, producers, and researchers — has identified a set of recommended practices to reduce underage alcohol sales by off-premises licensees. Every responsible retailer should adopt these practices. Retailers should also consider additional practices to help meet the needs of their establishment and the local community.
Public Policy and Responsible Retailing identifies innovative approaches by communities and states to encourage or require licensees to employ effective responsible retailing practices Download the Report
Effects of a responsible retailing mystery shop intervention on age verification . . . is the study by the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE) that validated the effectiveness of RRForum’s mystery shop program to improve age-verification.